Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Steamboat Springs Colorado

The first three were taken on the way out to Steamboat Springs Colorado and the last two were from the mountain. I traveled to Steamboat with the UC Ski and Snowboarding Club group. the snow was amazing and would travel back any day. I didn't take many of the slops them selves because I was a little scared of snowboarding down a mountain with my camera on my back.  I did go a little heavy on the Photoshopping but i feel that they came out pretty darn good.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Around town... and Thanksgiving!

Just a few taken around Cincinnati. the fountain at Fountain Square had thrown water out and on to the statues where it froze. He reminded me of a Pompeii inhabitant. Eden Park had a Hot Air Balloon lighting. The balloons would flair their burners simply illuminating the balloons. Sadly they didn't lift off.  The train and tracks were located just outside of Lunken Airport (a local small  airport to Cincinnati).

Monday, November 22, 2010

Woke up to this Saturday morning an decided it might be a good shoot. the first two were entering Eden Park and the last one was from an over look.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

Joyous Occasion

Today Last Friday, I received my new lens in the mail. Brand spanking new Nikon 35mm AF-S prime lens. With a bitchen Aperture of 1.8.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

NYC at Night

Some of my favorites from New York City. Featuring the Brooklyn Bridge and Battery Park.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


BYOBW8 (Bring Your Own Big Wheels #8) is a twice annually big wheels race put on by some Cincinnati residents and friends of mine. The event is open to all who can "bring their own big wheels" and also to observers young and old. Simply watch, have fun and take pictures. Hosted on the windy road of Cliff Dr, behind Krohn Conservatory racer battle it out to be the first to the bottom of the eighth mile track.

Sadly (or not) its the only race event where taking parts OFF of your ride actually helps.

So it begins

Two simple pictures to start off with. Taken from the edge of Pier 17 looking back on lower West Side of Manhattan, New York City. Originally taken 6/13/2010.