Monday, August 29, 2011

Fourth of J-U-L-Y

Well I suppose this is going to be a rather large update. Super behind on editing pictures. That is due to one of my friends buying me dinner contracting me to do a photo shoot for her DAAP fashion line. Obviously those aren't the pictures above they will come... when they're ready.

Fourth of July has come and gone. There have been a lot of budget cuts this year and that left us with a slightly less than spectacular fireworks show. None the less I tied to shoot it. Just as the sunset picture below they're are from Ault Park. Using my camera in full Manual mode for the first time; I'm pretty pleased. You might also notice that little white scribble in the bottom corner. That's my signature! Sloppy you say?... Yeah I don't disagree. It's probably because it 14 characters smashed down to, I guess 5. There's another reason I started putting it on. I'm going to start selling my photographs. Yeah you heard that right! Been wanting one for a while now but don't want to get sued for stealing? Now's your chance! How do you buy? I have no idea... I haven't thought that far in advance yet. Just wanted to let you know that eventually I will have figured it out.

Other news, I have passed 550 visits from the US alone and 16 from the rest of the world... come on rest of the world, get bloggin'. It's always nice to see where people are from who are viewing this page.

Since my last post I have gotten a new phone (Nexus S if you're curious), but more importantly i have an App called "Pulse". It lets you compile article oriented websites into an easy to view list and you can click on a story you like and start reading it. This pertains here because it allows you to enter URLs; more specifically THIS blogs URL. So you can read my less than timly updates and view all of the pictures on the go.