Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Fall from the bridge.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Monday, September 5, 2011

WEBN Fireworks... From Yesteryear!

The WEBN fireworks this year were awesome and I don't have a picture to prove it. It rained the entire time. I didn't dare take my camera out. The pictures above are just a sample from last years show. If you've never been to them I highly suggest you make the trip.. from where ever you are to view a barge, yes a BARGE full of fireworks plus more on the two adjacent bridges, go off. Plan on getting there early and fighting the crowds. Most people tape tarps to the Serpentine Wall to reserve their spot days in advance, but even if you didn't there are still plenty of places to view the spectacular 30 minute show.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Fourth of J-U-L-Y

Well I suppose this is going to be a rather large update. Super behind on editing pictures. That is due to one of my friends buying me dinner contracting me to do a photo shoot for her DAAP fashion line. Obviously those aren't the pictures above they will come... when they're ready.

Fourth of July has come and gone. There have been a lot of budget cuts this year and that left us with a slightly less than spectacular fireworks show. None the less I tied to shoot it. Just as the sunset picture below they're are from Ault Park. Using my camera in full Manual mode for the first time; I'm pretty pleased. You might also notice that little white scribble in the bottom corner. That's my signature! Sloppy you say?... Yeah I don't disagree. It's probably because it 14 characters smashed down to, I guess 5. There's another reason I started putting it on. I'm going to start selling my photographs. Yeah you heard that right! Been wanting one for a while now but don't want to get sued for stealing? Now's your chance! How do you buy? I have no idea... I haven't thought that far in advance yet. Just wanted to let you know that eventually I will have figured it out.

Other news, I have passed 550 visits from the US alone and 16 from the rest of the world... come on rest of the world, get bloggin'. It's always nice to see where people are from who are viewing this page.

Since my last post I have gotten a new phone (Nexus S if you're curious), but more importantly i have an App called "Pulse". It lets you compile article oriented websites into an easy to view list and you can click on a story you like and start reading it. This pertains here because it allows you to enter URLs; more specifically THIS blogs URL. So you can read my less than timly updates and view all of the pictures on the go.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


I swear there's more pictures coming... I've been pretty swamped and defiantly running behind on editing pictures. I will update as soon as I can! I have not forgotten you! To prove that, I'll post a little teaser picture if you will. Taken at Ault Park before their Fourth of July Fireworks Show.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

And she says she's not photogenic...

For a different event I needed to buy an external flash for my camera (Nikon SB-700), but i needed to test it out first. These are two really good friends of mine that I asked to come out to Eden Park for a quick photo shoot. I am very pleased on how they turned out. I only applied a few minor touch ups and the black and white effect, other than that there pretty much stock.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Spring Break in NYC.

About time...  This set was supposed to be before Zoo Blooms but i was having some difficulty posting the panoramas. Central Park, although a little chilly, proved to be an excellent place to start mine and Emily's Spring Break. The first three were taken there. The fourth was taken on the way to
Time Square. The fifth I caught just as the birds were taking off in Time Square and i think it turned out pretty neat with a simple radial blur applied. The sixth was Emily looking out over WTC construction sight. It turned out to be one of my favorites. The last three are obviously of the Brooklyn Bridge and like usual they turned out really good. My camera actually ran out of batteries mid shot, but came out awesome.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Zoo Blooms.

Behind in posting? Yeah I am. I'm posting this group ahead of some new New York pictures I took over spring break because I can't seem to get the panoramas upload properly. Most likely user error or some file size issue. But I digress, these were taken at Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden during Zoo Blooms. An event in which the Cincinnati Zoo has over 80,000 tulips blooming throughout the zoo. A great event to go to and walk around and see the beautiful flowers and animals. Some days live music is playing... ohh yeah free admission during those live music days.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Ohio is a little high...

Taken down at Sawyer Point in Cincinnati, Ohio looking over the Ohio River at Kentucky. As you can see the Ohio River was pretty high causing some flooding. Cresting just above 51 feet it engulfs the overlook in both pictures.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

All Quiet on the Winter Front...

I know I haven't posted in a while, mostly because the temperature has been hovering around the mid 20s. It's a little too cold to really do much of anything. On the "warm" days I managed to get out and take a few pictures. The first picture was taken today. A spectacular sunset lit up behind the Cincinnati skyline. It was pretty awesome to watch take pictures of. From the second I set up in The Celestial parking lot in Mt. Adams till I left, I was taking pictures. All work and not play... Photography is all about timing. The second sunset was from about a week earlier. I got there early enough to capture the entire sunset, but by the time the sun was supposed to shine some pretty colors on the clouds the sun had dropped behind some thick cloud cover on the horizon and nothing came through. The last two were from the Eden Park Ohio river overlook. It was still pretty cold and I never really saw much anything that interested me. Those were perhaps the best of that day.