Saturday, February 12, 2011

All Quiet on the Winter Front...

I know I haven't posted in a while, mostly because the temperature has been hovering around the mid 20s. It's a little too cold to really do much of anything. On the "warm" days I managed to get out and take a few pictures. The first picture was taken today. A spectacular sunset lit up behind the Cincinnati skyline. It was pretty awesome to watch take pictures of. From the second I set up in The Celestial parking lot in Mt. Adams till I left, I was taking pictures. All work and not play... Photography is all about timing. The second sunset was from about a week earlier. I got there early enough to capture the entire sunset, but by the time the sun was supposed to shine some pretty colors on the clouds the sun had dropped behind some thick cloud cover on the horizon and nothing came through. The last two were from the Eden Park Ohio river overlook. It was still pretty cold and I never really saw much anything that interested me. Those were perhaps the best of that day.

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